Hearing loss is often attributed to the elderly population when in reality, a significant number of young adults also experience hearing loss. In America, one in every ten individuals spend time listening to personal audio devices at unsafe volumes. This can cause irreparable damage to their hearing.
Young individuals love listening to their music at louder volumes. Ever wondered why? A recent research indicates that there are three primary reasons as to why people in the younger population listen to music at loud volumes. The first reason is that they can immerse themselves in the music if it is louder. Secondly, they can drown out any background noise and focus on the present moment if their music is loud. Lastly, they find that listening to music at loud volumes help increase adrenaline levels which helps them gain more energy while exercising. Although these may feel like valid reasons to listen to music loudly, it can still cause severe damage to hearing over time.
As a general rule, it is recommended that you listen to any sort of audio device at a volume that does not exceed 60% of the available maximum volume, and for no longer than 60 minutes at a time. It is also recommended that you invest in a pair of noise-cancelling headsets so that you do not need to raise the volume unnecessarily in order to drown out background noise. The threshold of safe sound levels ranges from 60-85 decibels. Anything exceeding 85dB is considered unsafe for your hearing.
We live in a very noise world. We may not even realize that we are cranking up the volume simply because of the construction going on when we go for a walk. It is best to avoid places that have heavy construction work going on since this only adds to the noise level. Excessive noise can cause tinnitus, which is a ringing sensation in the ears. Over time, this can also lead to noise-induced hearing loss, which is irreversible.
Always be sure that you use adequate hearing protection if you work in loud and noisy work environments such as mining, construction, or even as a musician. Most industries that are excessively loud provide their employees with earmuffs so be sure to use these on a regular basis to prevent hearing loss.
Another major reason for loss of hearing is due to excessively loud sounds at outdoor recreational activities such as music concerts and sporting events. Make sure you carry a pair of earplugs with you when you attend these events since the sounds of loud crowds and loud speakers can cause damage to your hearing.
We are often unaware of what constitutes “loud” volumes. Generally speaking, if you feel that you constantly have to shout in order to be heard, this means that the volume is far too loud and needs to be reduced. Often times you may have a ringing sensation in your ears after you are done listening to your music or after a music concert, which is another clue that the volume was too loud. Taking adequate precaution today can help keep your hearing intact for all your years to come.