Hearing loss is a common health ailment. The symptoms of hearing loss include an increased difficulty in hearing conversations, decreased ability to hear voices over the telephone or television, turning up the volume of electronic devices, and feeling as though people around you are mumbling. This constant demand for intense focus can be exhausting and leave you with auditory fatigue. Without treatment, hearing loss can result in several physiological and psychological problems such as low self-esteem, depression, social withdrawal, and anxiety.
A recent study conducted by Frank Lin and his colleagues at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine reports that hearing loss can result in cognitive decline leading to reduced memory formation, dementia, and an increase in falling and injuring oneself.
The constant pressure of needing to focus on hearing can result in cognitive load, which results from the brain being bombarded with constant demands of its limited resources, which can result in lapses in other functions such as maintenance of balance and memory formation.
Due to the gradual nature of hearing loss, people are often unaware of any changes in their hearing initially. Early detection of hearing loss can help you maintain your active social life through the use of hearing devices. Wearing hearing devices to rectify your hearing can also help ease the cognitive load and improve your quality of life.
Improvements in technology have resulted in increased effectiveness of hearing aids. Not only do they have more sophisticated features and adapt to your listening environment, they are also virtually invisible. Your hearing loss need not interfere with your daily life. Hearing devices are useful tools that can help you maintain an optimal productivity at your home and work and minimize the detrimental effects of hearing loss.